Combining 3 Modalities

Combining Holistic Life Coaching, CBT, and Quantum Field Healing in One Session: A Holistic Approach to Transformation

Combining holistic life coaching, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and quantum field healing in one session can be a powerful way to address a wide range of challenges and achieve deep transformation in your life.

Holistic life coaching is a process of working with a trained coach to explore all areas of your life, while CBT is a form of therapy that focuses on identifying and changing limiting belief thought patterns and behaviors. Quantum field healing, on the other hand, is a form of energy healing that works with the quantum field to support healing and transformation at a deep level.

By combining these three approaches in one session, you can address both the conscious and subconscious factors that may be contributing to your challenges and create a more holistic and integrated path toward healing and transformation.

During a session that combines holistic life coaching, CBT, and quantum field healing, you might begin by discussing your current challenges and intentions with your coach or therapist. You might explore any thought patterns or limiting beliefs that are contributing to these challenges, as well as any physical or emotional symptoms you may be experiencing.

From there, your coach or therapist may use CBT techniques to help you identify and challenge limiting thought patterns and beliefs, while also helping you to develop new, more anecdotal ways of thinking and behaving.

In addition, your coach or therapist may use quantum field healing techniques to help you to create space from any patterns that may be contributing to your challenges on a deeper level. This can involve working with the quantum field to access powerful energy and information that can profoundly support healing and transformation.

By combining these approaches in one session, you can create a more holistic and integrative approach to healing and transformation that addresses both the conscious and subconscious factors that may be contributing to your challenges. This can lead to profound shifts and changes in your life and a deeper connection with your truest self and the greater field of consciousness.

Overall, combining holistic life coaching, CBT, and quantum field healing in one session can be a powerful way to address a wide range of challenges and achieve deep transformation in your life. If you are interested in exploring this approach, consider Conscious Intentions to support you on your journey toward healing and transformation.


Shifting Limiting Beliefs Using Quantum Field Healing